Springtime magic

Springtime poppies

Poppies in abundance

After a hectic year, our flower farm’s second season is in full swing. Not only have we been sowing seeds, transplanting seedlings and planting bulbs in the flower patch, we’ve been busy around the property with new plantings of shrubs and ornamental trees including maple, flowering cherries and pears, as well as crabapples and a couple of lilacs, which I’ve always loved but never grown. We’ve removed old trees and  Amore  has moved tons of rocks around to create garden beds and finish the dry stone wall at the top of our driveway. It’s been an intense time as we progress the development of our garden sanctuary.

In the flower patch the spring bulbs have had their flourish. The ranunculi have bloomed in their full glory, the irises, daffodils, freesias, black pearl lilies and alliums were a beautiful sight to behold, poppies have bloomed in abundance, stocks with their delicious perfume have graced my bouquets and arrangements, and now it’s time for the roses and everlasting daisies, with their jewel colours, to shine.

The dahlia tubers have been planted and this year, a small patch nurtured from seed from www.willowcreekflowers.com.au is growing well.

It’s is a delightful, perfumed place to be at the moment with the honeysuckle and sweet peas growing vigorously. The first cosmos, sunflowers and zinnia seedlings are planted and the corncockles and godetia are showing their first blooms. The lily bed is in full growth and some are showing buds. And this year, I’m growing chrysanthemums for the first time. These have been grown from cuttings in all colours. I’m really looking forward to their autumn blooms.

The activity continues. The weather changed suddenly from cold to hot in a couple of days so we are busy mulching all the beds; a must with our sandy soil which dries out quickly.

Flower studio

Beautiful shelving constructed by Amore in my renovated flower studio

Other news that I’m excited about is that my flower studio is finally done — Amore has constructed benches and shelves, laid new flooring, painted, and put in a sink (yay, I have water on tap!). My workspace is beautiful!

My only sadness is that my precious dog, Lily is not by my side. It will be two years in December since she died and I still miss her so much. Amore and I hoped that Rose would be in our life by now but that seems not to be. We think that it’s time now for active searching for another pooch. Another four-legged furry friend would complete our circle of happiness.

In the meantime there are tomatoes to plant. Other edibles including zucchini, celery, capsicum, kohl rabi and melons are ready to transplant too. And basil, which I use in the kitchen as well as in arrangements, are loving the warmer temperatures.

We are hoping for a bit more rain before the heat of summer arrives. The hills are already changing their clothes from winter green to pale yellow and in a flash,  they’ll be wearing their summer finery of gold and brown. And if this warm weather continues, it will be time for our first swim in the next few days. (32C yesterday).  Mother Nature is busy, not only not only in the ground, but also up above.

The air is filled with bird calls — mating cries, the cheep cheep of baby birds, and the raucous warning screeches if we get too close to their nests. The magpie  babies are flying and independent, the galahs and parrots are tending their young and the little blue wrens and the  red-browed firetails are nesting.  It’s an intense time of growth as Mother Nature weaves her magic!

Other parts of Australia have experienced an abundance of rain with flooding in many parts. I hope the land is drying now and you have sunshine where you are.  My wish for you wherever you are in the world, is that you find some beauty in your every day.

Happy gardening!


In flower now

The patch is teeming with colour and perfume at the moment. It’s such a delight to wander through.

Some of the flowers in bloom now:

Cornflowers, sweet peas, godetia, poppies, daisies, kangaroo paws, snapdragons, roses, Canterbury bells, corncockles and honeysuckle.